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An Essay about Technological Change (2)

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New technology now plays a part in all our lives.Technology will change our lives in the next century by many ways.There will be major changes in three areas.These are, computer technology,Biotechnology and the transportation.

In the next century, computer technology will change.For example,in present, we have many different kinds of computers and programs.We can use computers anywhere we want,however in past there were not too many different kinds of computers and programs.If anybody wanted to use a computer, than they had to stay at home because there was no laptops. There was only one kind of computer and that was the desktop.This shows that in future maybe there will be a computer that can get energy from the sun light.

Transportation will change in next the century.For instance, In future there will be flying car which will take you any where fast and safely.Also you don't have to stay in traffic and spend all time.On the other hand in present we don't have any of this things.

In the next century, Biotechnology will more improve than present which will change our change our live.For example, in present there is no medicine for AIDS and HIV.If people affected by any of these virus than people will die, in contrast maybe there will new medicine discover in future which can save people life.

In conclusion, i think in future we will get some dramatic changes which will help us to make our live easier.


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