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Compare and Contrast between Two House

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Compare and Contrast between Two House
There are many differences and similarities between houses on Duncan and Arla However I think the house on the Duncan is better that house on Arla because the house on Duncan have something advance that Arla don’t have this reason I think house on Duncan is better.

House on Duncan and House on Arla have many similarities. First, House on Duncan has 6 bedrooms Similarly to Arla because Arla have 6 bedrooms. Second, Duncan and Arla have both have carports. Third, They both cast same price $90,00.

There are many differences between house on Duncan and house on Arla. The house on Duncan made of brick, On the other hand the house of Arla made of wood. House on the Duncan has a big yard but the house on Arla doesn’t have any yard. House on the Duncan has to pay low heating bills however house on the Arla have to pay high heating bills.

In conclusion, I think both house are good but if I had to buy any one of these house I would like to choose house on the Duncan because house on the Duncan coast same price as house on the Arla. House on the Duncan cost low heating bills than Arla. These reason I would like choose the house that on the Duncan.